
ASEplas is the proprietary range of high performance glass reinforced composite materials developed and manufactured by the Torgy Group, acknowledged as the industry standard for applications that require high strength isolation material. ASEplas materials prevent carbon steel embrittlement & ice build up in process piping or vessels in petro-chemical, Oil & Gas, LNG, Power and Pharmaceutical industries.

In 1975, following extensive testing, ASEplas (formerly ATPLAS) was selected to replace wood in the construction of cryogenic supports in a petro-chemical pipe lines. The versatile properties of ASEplas then allowed us, in collaboration with leading industry design companies, to develop the ASEplas range of moulded pipe and vessel supports. These have become an industry standard.

ASEplas support types are

Pipe support shoes for cold & cryogenic pipelines

Thermal isolating supports for cold vessels

HV cable cleats – single and trefoil

Under pipe supports

Thermal insulating brackets for cold vessel walkways and ladders

Insulating pipe segments

Strong isolating material

ASEplas is a high strength structurally strong isolating material. ASEplas require no maintenance after installation, insignificant moisture absorption, highly resistant to chemical decay, UV. ASEplas range of materials are fire safe and meet the requirements of UL Class 94 V-0.

Client and Project references

  • Linde (Tobolsk, AMUR Russia)
  • Reliance (Jamnagar)
  • KBR: [Gorgon LNG]
  • Tecnimont ( Kima, IIR )
  • Technip [Asab Gas, Martin Linge]
  • Saipem: [Algeria MLE]
  • IOCL: Paradip
  • CB&I [Fujian LNG]
  • Linde [Snohvit LNG]
  • CB&I [Peru LNG]
  • Parsons E&C [Sakhalin II LNG]
  • S&W [SHARQ Ethylene KSA]
  • Ersai: Eni Agip KCO [Kashagan]
  • Fluor [Saudi Kayan]
  • S&W [Bu Hasa Train 1]